Thursday, October 21, 2021

Define Your Vision

#Grateful4 Daily Journal

BAAB [BreathFleshEssence=AlientoCarneEsencia] is moving forward every day, growing and evolving. It’s the hope of this blog to document the transitions and progressions of the projects being accomplished by the #OneLoveWorld Family Media Network.  We are extending several new chapters into the book we are living, our journey of creation.
Each new project has its own grand challenges and solutions for overcoming surprise obstacles. There is a deep calling from with to become “UnEmployable” so referred to by Brian Clark’s team of content creators. 
It’s so amazing to think of what that means to not be employed and to have the daily necessities not only met but flourishing abundantly. For our group of creators, we are focusing on Bliss and Nurturing. Our Bliss while nurturing those around us. We still hope to include our practice of #AmorBilingual, since my husband’s culture speaks Spanish. This is pretty natural within out group to float between languages in a little pigeon or Spanglish. We will always embrace the uniqueness and individual divinity of each member of #OneLoveWorld. That is part of our nurturing nature. Our Bliss also envisions a world where everyone could become their truest higher self, be blessed with abundance in health and wealth, and accomplish great goals for the betterment of all.  
Documenting the process and journey could be the same every day for a bit and then suddenly radically different. That’s why it’s so important to document it. See if it fits your paradigm and if there are any nuggets of wisdom that can be gleaned from this journey. Or just come along for the ride and be a part of something grand.
We would love for everyone who wishes to write or comment on what things you need to get moving forward to reach something that feels like bliss.
Stay positive, Be great, and Share often,
Aka BreathAliento

#BuildInPublic #OneLoveWorld

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